Battery charging does not work.
- Is the charger displayed in the BMS contol panel? The charger should be shown at status – general and then in the “CAN charger” section If no charger is shown:
- Check that AC power is present at the AC input of the charger?
- Check that the CAN bus on the charger is connected correctly. Only the CANL and CANH connection are required for the charger to work.
- Is the correct firmware installed in the BMS? For most chargers, this is the “J1939 or Elcon” firmware. The firmware version is displayed at the top of the BMS control panel. The NON can charger version is never used by EV Europe.
- Chargers visible in control panel at CAN charger but does not charge:
- check at status / general / CAN charger that the actual voltage matches the battery voltage. If incorrect, check the DC voltage on the DC plug of the charger. Never replace the plug if the battery / contactors are still on!
- If the voltage is shown correctly at status / general / CAN charger the actual voltage but the actual current is 0 check:
- Is the charger type correct? Does it have a higher end voltage than the current battery voltage?
- Is a charge controller or EVSE present in the system that may be limiting the current?
- are any errors visible in the BMS control panel at status / general / errors and protections?
- Is the current sensor placed in the correct position so that the charging current is also flowing through the sensor? If placed incorrectly, the State of Charge will not increase, however, charging will occur.
- Is the charger displayed in the BMS contol panel? The charger should be shown at status – general and then in the “CAN charger” section If no charger is shown:
Also watch our video for instuctions:
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