BMS: no or poor USB connection. To read out the Battery Management System, a Serial (USB) connection is required between a PC and the BMS control unit. If you have no connection or a poor connection, the following things can be checked:
- Is there power on the BMS main controller. On the BMS main controller board, 2 green LEDs should be lit, one at the USB connection and one at the BMS control unit. If only 1 green LED is lit, usually the fuse on the BMS main controller board is faulty.
- Is the USB port recognized by windows? Does a USB to SERIAL driver appear if you look in windows device manager or device manager? If there is a driver that is not recognized (orange triangle) that needs to be installed manually. The correct driver is the FT232R USB UART Driver, you can also request this from EV Europe.
- Do NOT use the ” auto connect to BMS” option in the BMS control panel (top), however, manually select the correct COM port
- Try making a direct connection to the BMS main controller, i.e. without USB pass-throughs
- Test another USB cable if necessary
- Check that you have no Insulation faults between the 12V chassis and the high voltage. To do this, measure that there is no voltage between the chassi / 12V GND and HV+ and HV-
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